Fisac’s bones. The search for the ideal piece -doctoral thesys-

1st Prize in VIII concurso bienal arquia/tesis (2010/11)
pending publication

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura
Departamento de Construcción y Tecnología Arquitectónicas

Madrid 2010

D. Ricardo Aroca Hernández-Ros
D. Joaquín Fernández Madrid

Thesis committee
Jose Antonio Torroja Cavanillas
Catedrático ETSICCP Madrid
Andrés Albalat Lois
Catedrático ETS Arquitectura UDCoruña
Pepa Cassinello Plaza
Profesora titular. ETSArquitectura UPMadrid
Jose Benito Rodríguez Cheda
Catedrático ETS Arquitectura UDCoruña
Bernardo Perepérez
Catedrático ETS Arquitectura Valencia

Sobresaliente cum laude

+ exhibition about the research

marcador en Teseo

The present doctoral thesis penetrates in a critical way into one of the most singular periods in the creation of architect Miguel Fisac, it tries is to understand one of his more popular inventions: the girder – bone from its condition of constructive piece to assimilate the complete professional philosophy that it encloses and the universal aim at which it is directed.

What are known as Fisac’s bones are hollow pieces of prestressed concrete with forms similar to osseous structures. They form the history of an obsessive search for the ideal piece, the one that solves all the constructive, structural and architectural functions in one unique solution.

The history of its configuration spans a wide period and its genesis and later conclusion extends along the long professional career of the architect. Nevertheless the production and research on these pieces can be located temporarily in one decade, the sixties of the 20th century, a time of pioneers, of developing technologies and of economic growth.

Later research of the architect in the field of forms will mature and evolve these pieces until they reach his last patent, Spilt Architecture, an authentic reformulation of a professional career that spans more than six decades of work. Spilt Architecture is the bone of the 21st century. It is a new stage in an endless search, when cranes and auxiliary means have evolved, professional workforce is scarce and the costs of transport make it possible, the bone is transformed into a prefabricated panel with all its components attached in order to bring down the assembly costs and increase the quality of the finished work. Will this last proposal be the way towards the ideal piece?

Only time will tell if this last patent is successful. In any case it is the reformulation and the legacy of a master that demonstrated all along his career a very personal and singular way of exercising the profession.