Workshop in the Fabric

Barchelor in Architecture
IE University
Construction Workshop III Students
Elena Ceribelli, Ka Wah Francis Cheung, Mathew Sean Conrad, Gonzalo Coronado Maceda, Jan Danielle D’Cruz, Tomomi Dambara, Ana Corina de la Fuente Blanco, Anita de Rosa, Hoang Do Xuan, Derin Evcim, Mikhail Frantsuzov, Neha Goel, Ujal Gorchu, Camila Harasic, Aaron Joseph Nicolai Hesse, Abla Kharroubi, Ngai Lam Ellen Lau, Paula L贸pez Vallespir, Gauravkumar Nawal Garia, Ruchi A Patel, Padr谩n Paz Sanz, Manuela Pel谩ez Hern谩ndez, Norma P茅rez Castilla, Deveshree Sandeep Sawant, Nouhaila Zergana, Claudia Nicole Pitti, Santiago Otero
Ferm铆n Blanco
Collaborating Companies
Prehorquisa [web]
Forjados Secusa [web]
Sika Group [web]

Memory & Photos

The present design and manufacturing workshop is based on the experience of F.L. Wright in the decade of the 20s of the twentieth century, through the system known as TEXTILE BLOCKS. The goal is the initiation into the world of industrialization, manufacturing and assembly. Understanding all this as a continuity in the architect’s creative process.
The workshop is organized in 2 phases, a first to know the original blocks and how it was used and a second where the theory is put into practice to perform the construction of the blocks.
The system of Wright was applied in different works, especially his group of houses in California, where the blocks mutated in their finish giving place to an aesthetic very characteristic of this period, nevertheless, it was not patented, although different documents have arrived in that sense, schemes and drawings that try to explain the solution of blocks as a constructive system of multiple applications.
On this occasion the practice was divided into four groups, each of which would elaborate a part of the structure. At the end of each of the manufacturing processes of the parts these would be joined in a single construction, so that, although the practice was divided into 4 groups, they would have to work together so that all the parties [soil, blocks, window and roof] fit.
To achieve a good design we must master manufacturing through molds, materials, formwork and stripping processes. For this reason we will start the workshop through the manufacture of blocks, either through original designs or through other invented ones. Formwork with different lightening and finishing strategies. Creative phase where different solutions are proposed to lighten the block by using different materials.