Extension of the cemetery of Santa Cruz de Ribadulla

Santa Cruz de Ribadulla.
Concello de Vedra, A Coruña, España
Latitude: 42º 46’ 29,41’’ N
Length: 8º 25’ 38,85’’ W
Santa Cruz de Ribadulla Neighborhood Association
ConstruciĂłns Luis y Alfonso
Fermín González Blanco
Luis Miguel Fernández López
Borja DĂ­az Carro
Alba Pérez Fernández
Roi Alonso. www.roialonso.com
Estudio FermĂ­n Blanco


Memory & Photos
This project arises due to the clogging of the pre-existing cemetery, a cemetery belonging to the rural nucleus of Santa Cruz de Ribadulla. We found a social reality of a community that had no more space to bury their loved ones.
But this was only the first of the problems. The cemetery occupied a plot belonging to the category of Delimited Land nÂş7, so the first of the actions to be carried out, consisted of a modification of the Xeral Plan, and thus, change its typology to Undefined Urbanizable Land.
The next problem would be that the community managed to reach a consensus among its members (mayor, priest, neighbors and builder), they had to act together and with the same decision valid for all members of the same.
And finally, the state of construction. There was a huge difference between inside and outside, the closing perimeter wall worked as a barrier between two opposite worlds. An unattended exterior, formed by sloppy rear, in total contrast to the interior serviced daily with care and delicacy.
Therefore, our premises consisted, on the one hand, in reaching a valid solution for all the members of the community, which happened between determining who or who would be in charge of the payment, management and care of the equipment from the moment of the extension . A single constructive solution should also be achieved that does not constitute a barrier with respect to what exists, which could not speak of different concepts, but of a unit. New users are in the same cemetery, not in a new one.
In addition, new rules would appear to comply, since the mortuary police force to have a series of facilities which consist of another new concept to introduce.
Therefore, the expansion begins by breaking the boundary wall that obstructed the growth, reusing the stone to build the new one, which will constitute a permeable closure, not a barrier and will open us to the forest that surrounds the plot.
It will be a massive construction, respecting the existing shapes and volumes, the shapes and models of the previous elements will be copied, but at the same time, contemporary gestures such as concrete slabs or prefabricated niches are introduced.
Singular elements for the community are recovered, such as the crossing and new ones are introduced into the equipment such as the Camelio and the gargoyle, which bring that delicate and special aspect to the place.
This is a new space with a margin to grow and containing new places to occupy such as columbarium space, tombs or new pantheons.