Evolving cities

Dialogical encounters with unregulated life
International Menéndez Pelayo University Course
UIMP_A Coruña
Luis Seoane Foundation
11-12-13 September
18 September
25-26 September
Fermín G. Blanco
Silvia Longueira Castro
Sociology: Saskia Sassen
Architecture: Josep Muntañola i Thornberg
Pedagogy: Marta Morelli
Alfredo Hoyuelos
Patricia Amil
Graphic and artistic expression:
Fernando Blanco
Pablo Tomé
Marco Moreira
Urban planification: Iago Carro
Literature and networks: Hematocrítico
Claudia González Caparrós
Politics and communication: Antón Losada
Gastronomy: Pablo Caridad
Radio: Antón Lezcano
Nuria Prieto [cover photograph]
Alba Pérez
Sistema Lupo
Information and registration
981 140 830
[+ info]




Project in which education, sustainability, art and architecture are part of a knowledge system to understand and respond to new forms of organization. Theoretical classes and lectures will be combined
with practical sessions linked to programs like # Escóitasme? or #mestradeobra based on the transformation of educational spaces. We will visit realities of self-management of rural space that help to fix population to
territory and to recover the cultural historical memory of areas affected by the economic depression and industrial reconversion.
The different ways of knowledge that this course provides are connected with the prevailing interdisciplinarity in the contemporary world. Basically we seek to influence issues such as environmental, urban and territorial management; cultural management and production; digital culture and education. For this, sociology, architecture, art and pedagogy will have to be shelled and intercommunicated during this seminar.


FRIDAY 11 september
16: 30-17: 00 Inauguration. Obdulia Taboadela Director of the UIMP of Galicia, Fermín G. Blanco Director of the Seminar and Silvia Longueira Castro Secretary of the Seminar.
17: 00-18: 30 Social dialogue architecture: a response to the COVID-19 virus. Josep Muntañola i Thornberg. Architect and professor at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia.
18: 30-20: 30 Proto projects of the new normality. Pick me up? (I). Fermín Blanco and Silvia Longueira.
SATURDAY 12 september
09:30-11:00 The new everyday. Antón Losada Professor of Science and Politics. University of Santiago de Compostela
11:00-12:30 Proto projects of the new normal: Pick me up? (II). Fermín G. Blanco and Silvia Longueira.
12:30-14:00 Practical workshop: #mestradeobra. Real transformation of educational spaces. Fermín G. Blanco. Director of the Seminar.
17:00-18:00 Proto projects of the new normal. FMJJ. Art, Mediation, Artistic Literacy. Patricia Amil.
18:30-20:30 Proto projects of the new normal: Pick me up? (III). Fermín G. Blanco y Silvia Longueira.
SUNDAY 13 september
09:30-11:30 Introduction to urban research. Resources, tools, techniques and references. Practical workshop with Iago Carro. Architect and researcher at Ergosfera.
12:00-14:00 Proto projects of the new normal. Workshop withMarco Moreira.
SATURDAY 18 september
18:00-19:00 From Sociology. Saskia Sassen. Sociologist, writer and teacher.
FRIDAY 25 september
16:30-18:00 Urgency and patience. A look at the time of the study. Claudia González Caparrós. Writer and co-founder of Crisi.
18:00-19:30 Architecture and education from the MAXXI Museum in Rome. Marta Morelli. Educator and head of the Department of Pedagogy at the MAXXI Museum.
19:30-21:00 One hundred years with Loris Malaguzzi. Alfredo Hoyuelos. Doctor in Philosophy and Educational Sciences. Pedagogue.
SATURDAY 26 september
09:30-11:00 Meeting with Pablo Tomé. Pablo Tomé. Architect and artist.
11:00-12:30 Social media as a playground. The Hematocritic. Teacher, writer and humorist.
12:30-14:00 Meeting with Fernando Blanco. Fernando Blanco. Architect and artist.
14:30-17:00 With seaweed and crazy. Innovation and quality with Pablo Caridad. Pablo Caridad. Cook and teacher.
17:00-19:00 Visit to the Adriano Cinema with Antón Lezcano.

Fermín G. Blanco

Architect and educator


Marta Morelli

Educator and head of the Department of Pedagogy at the MAXXI Museum

Iago Carro

Architect and researcher at Ergosfera


Pablo Caridad

Cook and teacher


Silvia Longueira

Historian and director of the Luis Seoane Foundation

Alfredo Hoyuelos

Doctor in Philosophy and Educational Sciences. Pedagogue

El Hematocrítico

Teacher, writer and humorist


Patricia Amil

Head of art didactic area Fundación Mª José Jove

Saskia Sassen

Sociologist, writer and teacher


Fernando Blanco

Architect and artist


Antón Losada

Professor of Science and Politics. University of Santiago de Compostela

Marco Moreira

Artist in the areas of Multimedia, Illustration, Animation, Drawing …

Josep Muntañola i Thornberg

Architect and professor at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia

Pablo Tomé

Architect and artist


Claudia González Caparrós

Writer and co-founder of Crisi


Antón Lezcano

Artist, graphic designer y radio host

