Intrahistory of Architecture

20 March – 5 June 2019
Centro Galego de Arte Contemporánea
Fermín Blanco
Virginia Villar
Manu Suárez


“Todo o que contan a diario os xornais, a historia toda do ‘presente momento histórico’, non é senón a superficie do mar, unha superficie que se xea e cristaliza nos libros e rexistro. (…) Os xornais nada din da vida silenciosa de millóns de homes sen historia que todas as horas do día e en todos os países do globo se levantan a unha orde do sol e van aos seus campos para proseguir o escuro e silencioso labor cotián e eterno, ese labor que, como as mandréporas suboceánicas, bota as bases sobre as que se alzan os illotes da Historia. Sobre o silencio augusto, dicía, apóiase e vive o son, sobre a inmensa humanidade silenciosa levántanse os que meten bulla na Historia. Esa vida intrahistórica, silenciosa e continua como o fondo mesmo do mar, é a sustancia do progreso, a verdadeira tradición, a tradición eterna, non a tradición mentida que se adoita ir a buscar no pasado enterrado en libros e papeis e monumentos e pedras”.
Miguel de Unamuno, En torno al casticismo, 1905


The Intrahistory of Architecture is a programme with an educational approach, a course with a solid basis in scientific knowledge and research, a critical course dedicated to dissemination.
This first edition outlines a series of key topics to help interpret the architecture of the present time that surrounds us, the architecture which—for better or for worse—we cannot escape from. The architecture we see every day may serve to facilitate our lives or obstruct them; it may inspire or inconvenience us; it might be challenging, relaxing or impressive.
We will examine the different scales of the discipline, its relationship to society, the technical aspect, the effect of the social movements, genre, patrimony, self-construction, changing styles, the phenomenon of the celebrity architect, aesthetics, the relationship between the disciplines, dogmas, construction, education, biological and environmental aspects, research, the land and, of course, we will touch upon politics.
Architecture is one of these disciplines that is rich in content and whose intrahistory is full of supporting actors and whose cross effects open up a wide array of avenues for research, debate and discussion. All of them have been transformed into a course format offered by CGAC under the direction of the educator and architect, Fermín Blanco, inviting the public to attend these encounters every Wednesday, during which we will examine life from a constructive perspective.


March 20. The intrahistory of architecture. As we were saying yesterday…
March 27. Shared knowledge, learning from tradition. Collective lessons without a teacher.
April 3. Architecture with an accent. The architecture of material. Ask the brick what it wants to be.
April 10. Shelter, reflections on minimum space. From Thoreau’s cabin to beehive apartments.
April 24. When community work is not a punishment. Community Service.
May 8. Architecture educates. On education and its spaces.
May 15. Experiencing architecture. Visit, tour experience.
May 22. Integration of the arts; case studies from an optimistic viewpoint.
May 29. My aesthetics are my ethics. Why do they call it ugliness?
June 5. Closing session. Practical workshop.


This course has been designed to continue. Therefore, the first ten sessions will offer an approach to the conceptual bases of this discipline. In each session, we will recommend a book/article/essay or video as a bibliographic reference.
We have selected a cross section of subjects from various disciplines in an attempt to encourage the participation of a heterogeneous public interested in architecture (but not necessarily expert in the field).
The methodology will include a combination of lectures, master classes, discussions, debates, practical workshops, visits, videos and video conferences in order to try and integrate different media in the classes. Another part of the course will be offered on the social media (#intrahistoricos) through the Facebook group, club de arquitectura (architecture club), moderated by Fermín Blanco.








